A Broad Range of Probe Stations For All Configurations
Versatile probe stations include several PCB holders and positioners for testing PCBs in horizontal or vertical orientations. Engineers can use these systems to perform measurements using a oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, vector network analyzer, or TDR machine.
These flexible probe stations are designed for the ever-changing test configurations required in a engineering lab. Combined with durable probes or your own high-speed probes, PacketMicro probe stations are the most cost-effective probing solutions in the industry.
- Test of PCB with almost any size
- Support of double-sided vertical probing
- Easy reconfiguration without any tool
- Matched durable GHz probes
- Most competitive price in the industry
Flex Station

Most flexible benchtop probe station for probing with microprobes and ruggedized RF probes.
Large PS800

A versatile probe station for large PCB probing using microprobes and PacketMicro rugged probes.
Vertical VPS100

Vertical probe station with articulated probe positioners makes double-sided probing easy.
RF PS600

RF probe station supports fast, easy RF and S-parameter measurements with probes, positioners, and microscope.