
Please enter the quantity for each product you would like to buy
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Part No. Description Price Quantity
Probe Positioners
PMA01 PacketMicro Probe Adapter $100
TP250 Precision Positioner (New) $2,600
TP150 Precision Positioner $1500
FP160 Flex Positioner (XYZ positioner with Arm) $1600
FP80 Flex Positioner (XY positioner with Arm) $1000
FP40-UA16 Low-cost Flex Positioner with universal adapter $500
FP40-HDM1 Low-cost Flex Positioner with adapter for Dino-Lite microscopes $500
RF/TDR probes, Single-ended, Substrate
SP-GR-2015025 20 GHz S-Probe with 0.25 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-201504 20 GHz S-Probe with 0.4 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-201505 20 GHz S-Probe with 0.5 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-181508 18 GHz S-Probe with 0.8 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-181510 18 GHz S-Probe with 1.0 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-161512 16 GHz S-Probe with1.2 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-161514 16 GHz S-Probe with 1.4 mm pitch $500
SP-GR-161516 16 GHz S-Probe with 1.6 mm pitch $500
TCS70 RF Cal Substrate $400
RF/TDR probes, Differential
DP-SS-401503 40 GHz Differential D-probe with 0.3 mm pitch $1500
DP-SS-401504 40 GHz Differential D-probe with 0.4 mm pitch $1500
DP-SS-351505 35 GHz Differential D-probe with 0.5 mm pitch $1500
DP-SS-201504 20 GHz Differential D-Probe with 0.4 mm pitch $1000
DP-SS-201505 20 GHz Differential D-Probe with 0.5 mm pitch $1000
DP-SS-201508 20 GHz Differential D-Probe with 0.8 mm pitch $1000
DP-SS-201510 20 GHz Differential D-Probe with 1.0 mm pitch $1000
DP-SS-201512 20 GHz Differential D-Probe with 1.2 mm pitch $1000
De-embedding Software
SFD Smart Fixture De-embedding tool from EMStar Contact Us
PCB Holders and Cable Wrench  
PH100 PCB Holder     $90
VPH80 Vertical PCB Holder for small PCB/module $1500
VPH100-10 Vertical PCB Holder $2000
VPH100-18 Vertical PCB Holder $2500
PHA01 Small PCB Holder Adapter    $500
WRENCH01 Cable wrench with 7/32”, 1/4”, 5/16” openings $25
AF4515ZTL Dino-Lite 1.3 MP microscope 140x w/polarizer, AMR $799
AM5216ZTL Dino-Lite SVGA microscope 140x w/polarizer $699
AM7115MZTL Dino-Lite 5 MP microscope 140x w/metal body Contact us
Probe Stations
PS600-S RF Probe System with S Probes $8000
PS600-D RF Probe System with D Probes $8500
PB100-24 24" Probe Bridge    $1000

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We will contact you shortly. If you order probes or probe systems with probes, please make sure you specify probe pitch(es).

Please review Sale Terms and Conditions.

About PacketMicro

PacketMicro, based in Silicon Valley, provides a wide range of gigahertz probes, probe positioners, bench-top probe stations, and digital microscopes. In addition, PacketMicro offers wireless modules and engineering services in Bluetooth Smart, ZigBee, and wireless sensor networks. PacketMicro customers include many Fortune 100 companies.

Get in touch

PacketMicro, Inc.
2312 Walsh Avenue, Suite A
Santa Clara, CA 95051

+1 408 675 3900 (Main)

+1 408 580 0059
